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Why Bother

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weecalf | 10:53 Fri 27th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Was out for walk ,part of it is a quite narrow country road .Anyway a tree had fallen across blocking it .It was quite dark at approx. 7.30am .So being the good neighbour I thought Ill try to slow a few cars down before they approached the straight where the tree was down .These people would be people who would know me .Did they take one iota of notice of me .No way .As I was returning it was daylight so I saw another car coming in the same direction as me so I motioned to the driver to stop so as I could warn them .Stopped looked it me as if I was an envelope with no stamp on it .Ah that wont deter me from be neighbourly .What is it with people?


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it makes you wonder doesn't it wee ?
i can't really understand WHAT look you would give to an envelope with no stamp on - i don't think i have a particular facial expression for that (although who knows, i can't see my own face of course)
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as if summit is missing look ,you know
I had the same experience weecalf, last summer. This time it was a electricity cable down across the road, in a very rural area ! At least 50% of drivers ignored me and I even had one who did a Harvey Smith ! But I gave him a rollocking when he came back again, 5 mins later, as the road was blocked altogether. Said he didn't realise why I was flagging him down !
I once stopped the HGV I was driving near Long Eaton, Notts, there was this bloke smacking this woman, I was going to have a WORD with him, that was until the woman to me to F---K OFF, I nothing to do with you, Good EH?
Giggling away at bednobs here ......
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Tree pushed to side one lane traffic so we are getting back on track so to speak

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Why Bother

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