Motoring0 min ago
R.i.p. Phil Everly
You taught the world the meaning of harmony
http:// www.dai lymail. vshowbi z/artic le-2533 632/Eve rly-Bro thers-s inger-P hil-Eve rly-die s-aged- 74-Los- Angeles -battle -chroni c-obstr uctive- pulmona ry-dise ase.htm l
Speaking of harmony, An under practiced Beach Boys...
http:// www.loo pinsigh 013/03/ 27/the- beach-b oys-wit hout-au to-tune /
One of my frenz - well two of my frenz - used to do an Everly Brothers tribute gig. I wonder what will happen to them.
Bernard Manning introduced them as the Beverley Sisters (the Northern circuit is a bit rough) and the audience p+ssed themselves as tho they would never have thought of that in a thousand years.
One of my frenz - well two of my frenz - used to do an Everly Brothers tribute gig. I wonder what will happen to them.
Bernard Manning introduced them as the Beverley Sisters (the Northern circuit is a bit rough) and the audience p+ssed themselves as tho they would never have thought of that in a thousand years.