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Dated Cakes......

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Jeza | 00:04 Tue 07th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Called in at Iceland the shop. Among other things I bought Mr Kipling lemon slices. I took them to the hospital. I had one, Mic had two and the rest I gave to the staff as we all sat together for a cup of tea. On getting rid of the wrappings I noticed that the sell by date was 30/12/13. I didn't say a word to anyone that had eaten the cakes, and I'm sure we will not have any ill effects but I'm really cross with Iceland. If they were reduced in price and they said they were out of date I could understand, but they weren't. Rant over.


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Keep the wrapper and take it back and get some more

Best wishes to Mic x
Sell-by-date goods are normally good for a week after the date. Maybe longer depending on the product (if they were dairy) . Also when you open it, it might decrease the time. Although it can also probably be shorter than a week.As your product was confectionery I don't think there was that much of a problem, everyone ate them not long after being opened. There is a difference between sell by and use by dates.
Still safer than Hospital food
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Whilst I agree with you all, I still think it was wrong of Iceland to sell them at full price without saying they were out of date.
they weren't out of date, they were past their sell before date, they were still edible, did you enjoy them whilst you ate them, only you happened to see the sell by date you'd be none the wiser. that's how so much food is wasted, reading the package wrong
I agree Jeza I'm bit funny about sell-by dates and I try to avoid anything so near the date. I would tell Iceland, if you still have the receipt and the packaging, you could have gone to a cut price shop and bought them half price.
They are not "out of date", they were "best before". Had they been "use by" that would have been different.
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Barmaid, could you help me on another matter relating to Mic and his money?
Of course, Jeza. POst in Law. I'm afraid I am off to bed now (first day back and am a bit knackered) but will help you and Mic if I can. If you prefer to do it privately, I can drop in a throw away email address.
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Please do barmaid a throwaway email would be very nice.
We all know that they are perfectly edible but it shows really poor stock control management on the part of Iceland. This time its a packet of cakes, but it could have been something with a shorter shelf live which should have been discarded a week ago.

If you are passing the shop and still have the receipt, do call in and mention it. Matters not that you've eaten them. Tell them you didn't notice until afterwards and demand another packet at least.
My local Cop-op throws out loads of potatoes each week because they have a sell-by date printed on the bag !

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Dated Cakes......

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