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Start Your Own Religion?

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mrs_overall | 12:44 Fri 10th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
A thread in R&S has got me thinking. Would you like to start your own religion?
I'll make a start with Overallianity. I don't want any of that grovelling or fawning nonsense with acolytes following me around - you can worship me from afar from the comfort of your own living room (very handy on winter nights).
There are no restrictions on dancing, alcohol or other pleasures although Morris Dancing, listening to country & western music and jazz is strictly forbidden.
Followers will go to hell (namely another chat forum whose name shall not be mentioned) if they EVER discuss ANY reality TV programmes in my presence.

There are NO scams such as direct debits into my bank account. Donations of Marigolds (yellow only), designer shoes/boots with killer heels (size 10) and Sainsburys vouchers will be gratefully received as offerings.
In return you will get a weekly sermon and personal advice as required.
You will not have to spend any time on your knees, unless of course I summons you for a personal audience and the kitchen floor happens to need a scrub at the same time.
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Plenty people have started stupider religions than this! There's not even any talking snakes, walking on water or reanimation of corpses in caves.

The comment about genuflection reminds me of one of the late Peter Ustinov's anecdotes where he was talking about receiving the official notification of his knighthood. On the accompanying form there was a tick-box with the words "Can kneel?" next to it. He ticked it, but wrote "Not sure if can get back up again" next to it.
Sounds all fine, but I was planning to keep the killer heels boots for mysel -- oh, what a giveaway! about that lunch, Jim....err...what will you be wearing?...☺
"you summons us" - MrsO? I ain't joining any religion where you send the bailiffs round, LOL!
Reverend Overall exactly what miracles have you performed so far ? got any barley loaves and small fishes around.
I'll just throw something on...
You can count your recent spell in James Cook towards the obligatory time in the Wilderness Mrs O. Oh! and can I have the DD scams into my account if you don't want 'em.

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