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murraymints | 15:04 Sat 11th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
No I'm not deid....have been confined to bed /bathroom....nasty dose of gastric flu...still a bit wobbly....sales of loo paper have hit a new record here !


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The Mail would've been an excellent choice, they do say that the Newsprint does not come off on your . . . err. . . .Hands!
15:24 Sat 11th Jan 2014
blooming connection is running a sunday service :-)

Try a slice of dry toast or if you feel adventurous, a little scrambled egg. x
Daily Mail

remember if it gets too runny - you can dry the bog paper and use them again !

recycling that's what I like - I only flush them away when my fingers go thro
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Hmmm....Lol Peter...
Nice to see you, Minty....take care...xx

Bums!! D'you think the florist will give a refund on the flowers?
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Had a wee bit pasta with vegetables....feeling bit better...if it stays put !!
Get well soon. We have three-ply toilet tissue in our house. We're posh, lol! xx
Aaaw. Hope you feel better soon, minty. Sounds like you're on the mend xx
How much weight have you lost? Get well soon xx
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Sibs...I've lost Just over half stone....every cloud etc....not a good diet though !
Get well soon murray, I ought to have said earlier, there is a bug going round.xx
Get well soon murraymints, at least you lost a bit of weight (every cloud has a silver lining). Take it easy for a few days.
wish you a speedy recovery minty, get well soon
dee x
Hey minty, good to see you posting again. Get well soon.

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