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Now Here's A Thought.....

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Jeza | 23:43 Tue 14th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
When a man abandons his wife and marries his mistress, is he just creating a vacancy?

What are your thoughts on this?


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In France, yes
Hard to say. People cheat for different reasons.
and that thought was brought to you by Jimmy Goldsmith I think

he certainly did it....
My thoughts are he's a ***.

Yes, if someone behaves that way, they can't be trusted. Some people would and some wouldn't, but there are no excuses for not finishing the previous relationship first.
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Sibs, I've lived in France, most men over 40 (when I lived there) had a mistress. The wife usually new as did friends. It was accepted, but I wasn't really talking about France.
It is a good old phrase, but one I have never given serious thought to - am lucky in that infidelity never interfered with my life. Saw it with others and the varied results it brought.
But lets be fair, it can apply to the wife as well
sorry, I don't understand the question :(
What a strange question out of the blue, Jeza.....for a minute I thought Mic had made a recovery and cleared off with a nurse!
But remembering how he spoke about you when he was on here that wouldn't happen....☺

So...have you a reason?....x And how's Mic?
Many people are in unhappy marriages but feel they can't leave or they can't afford to leave because of finances and children etc...

A good friend of mine had an affair. The reason?? He was wanted a cuddle.

His wife had denied him affection for so long that he found it elsewhere...

*he just wanted a cuddle
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I agree Sibs it can. I left my then husband for Mic. I never cheated on my husband, I wouldn't do that. The divorce took several months, it was only then that Mic and I moved in together. We married 3 months later.
That's fair enough, jeza. It's the deceit that is unfair. I expect most don't ask their partner if they mind. There is no reason ever to behave that way imo.
"Many people are in unhappy marriages but feel they can't leave or they can't afford to leave because of finances and children etc... "

Hear, hear :-(
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Gness, If you saw Mics nurses you wouldn't even think that. They are ALL very large ladies, very nice though, well some of them. The best one's are not the nurses but HCA. (health care assistants)
My friend's husband left her in July (for various lame reasons). In August she received an anonymous copy of a letter from her husband's mistress to him, his reaction - went bonkers because someone had got hold of the letter and sent it to his wife.
Jeza, my life followed a similar pattern to yours, love to Mic
Jeza: The best one's are not the nurses but HCA. (health care assistants)

as ever there are some very good HCAs - usually un noticed xc by the patients and some very good nurses as well.

hope Mic imporves

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