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sherrardk | 00:26 Wed 15th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
I've run out of sweets :(


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Oh no, shouldn't have read this thread - now I want chocolate!!! NOW!!
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I really fancy a condensed milk sandwich.
Sher to give a full account will bore you stiff. New floor to be laid, furniture needed moving hence cupboard blocked to accommodate said items. Then floor not to be laid until Wed of next week. It killed me moving it I'm not doing it again.
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Fair enough, needs must and all that. All positive moves to Mic coming home but more foreward planning needed regarding ciggie storage.
Yes should have thought about what was in the cupboard.

How on earth can you eat a condensed milk sandwich? The thought turns my delicate tum.
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They are delicious (I have a very sweet tooth). Haven't made them for the kids but have fond memories of battered, fried jam sandwiches dusted with castor sugar and sugar on bread and butter.
As kids we called them jam fritters.
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My lovely gran used to make them for us but they didn't have a name. We just ate everything she made (apart from cawl - that was yucky).
I've just had a large tia maria and coke..............I now feel sick.
Sher...make some doughnut toast. It's gypsy toast but you add some vanilla to the eggs. When it's done you put it straight into caster sugar. Really does taste like fresh doughnuts.
Gypsy toast is eggy bread/French toast.
I can honestly say that I've not had any chocolate since 31 Dec. The diet doesn't allow it, and hurrah I'm not missing it. If I ate one bit, I would want more....
Craft, stick to the Gin you know it makes sense.

What's Cawl?
Cawl sounds okay to me. I love soup, well some soup.

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