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No Law North Of Smethwick And No God North Of Handsworth...

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sandyRoe | 13:11 Sat 18th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Did I hear on the radio news this morning that there were areas in Northern England that were as lawless as parts of Belfast in the early 70s? Even murders have gone unreported.


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You're thinking of Slough.
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South of the midlands, then.
Yup. There might be other places too...
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The radio was on but I was only half listening to it until the mention of lawless Belfast.
I'm not sure sandy, but there seems to be some questionable behaviour in the Home Counties
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The good people of Ware engage in solitary sin? That's sad, in a way.
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Chrisgel, yes, that's it.
Have to wonder at this "where law-abiding people rather than criminals administer their own form of justice"

That's a contradiction surely?

We laugh when we see old black and white films showing cavemen running around with clubs and grunting. Sounds just like many town centres on a Fri/Sat night.
Evolution is a very slow process, Maggie.
The North is anything north of Bristol - Southampton line innit ?

Even murders have gone unreported.
what like that fellow that fell on his own carving knife ?
we all thought that was accidental....


isnt your article - Tom WInsor saying he is not very good at his job
and it is the immigrants' fault (again) ?

James Anderton tried that with the Chinese community in Manchester (drenched in heroin and so on) in the early nineties and got a beating from very well educated fluent English articulate Chinese. - who took the view tha their parents paid rates like everyone else and so wanted policing like everyone else.

PP - Not my article, I was pointing Sandy in the direction of it. I happen to agree with you and think that someones making excuses for not doing their job.

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