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Quite Interesting

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maggiebee | 14:50 Sun 19th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Was sent this link by a friend. Is this shown in the US I wonder?


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Haven't seen it here un the U.S., maggie… but not surprised. We've learned long ago that Mr. President isn't nearly as eloquent as usually perceived when he isn't accompanied by his ever-present Tele-Prompter.

Not long ago, he had his Tele-Prompter set up for a supposedly off-the-cuff photo op with a First Grade school class.

Those of us that aren't fans of Our Beloved were aware early on that the populace that voted him in were enamored of only two things… his skin color and his speaking ability. Other than that, there was and is nothing of note and much that is still unknown...
^ get off the fence on this one Clanad ;)
I was always in Team Hillary and nothing I've seen over the last 5 years has persuaded me I was wrong :+(
not even Bo?
Guess that few of his supporters would bother watching it even if it were. It may even be a strategy to make his allies feel equal of course.

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