Dates for holidays such as Mother's Day vary from country to country... ie: three weeks before Easter Sunday in the UK, second Sunday in May in the US. A government body such as Congress will usually decide the date...possibly based on tradition...and a law will be passed...'s_Day
Easter is determined using the lunar months, it's so many full moons after Christmas ...this year it doesn't fall till late in April, Mothers Day is determined by the media and shopping centres
However I so remember buying a Father's Day card in Adelaide (because all of the card shops were advertising it as being in the near future) and sending it to my dad, who was left confused as the Aussie Father's Day is nowhere near to the UK one!
Distinct difference between Mothers Day and Mothering Sunday, Chris !!
we've never had the latter here in Oz, but I can well believe the church has a hand in deciding the day ....oh's mother got very confused when I mistakenly sent her flowers for our Mother's Day (which isn't all that far away from the "fourth Sunday")
Thinking about it ...isn't that rather close to Holy Week ?? seems odd for it be that close !!
Well, you learn something new everyday. Mothering Sunday was a term used for people returning to their Mother church just before Easter, it just turned into a day to celebrate Mums. Who knew!