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Psybbo | 21:47 Sat 01st Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
Think Berniecuddles lives and works in Dublin? Now I discover he lives in Kent!


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A Dubliner??? Which one?!!!
22:00 Sat 01st Feb 2014
LOL, I trust that you educated her, lj.
tony, my friend and i were unable to speak for a while. just kept our eyes down and tried not to laugh.

cuddles - i'm a kentish maid.
Doubt if I'd have not laughed, lj.
The original Betty's cafe opened in Harrogate in 1919, always busy, but expensive.
Thanks, ayg.
we were in a meting that was just about to start where the graduates gave short presentations to let us know how good they were. yeah!
Psybbo.... I'd avoid Ayr.... right dodgy bunch them I know I married one of them.. ;0) and lived there for a few years!! 'Arrogate is lovely, posh Yorkshire, Ripon is nicer really enjoyed my few years there.. Never lived anywhere in the UK south of Yorks unless Germany or The Falklands count..
I didn't know that the UK had annexed Germany, slappy. Pray when?
Sneaky part of the Anschluss in 1938... ;) You know what I meant DT...
Yes you have to watch these foreigners - as you well know, down there in Penguin-Land......they can creep up on you and surprise you, Singapore a prime example of that.....

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