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Can Anyone Please Help? Re Laptop Signing On

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lilypoppyfre | 13:14 Fri 31st Jan 2014 | Technology
7 Answers
my daughter is trying to use her laptop at my house,but is unable to connect properly.she has changed her network settings but when tries to link onto my bt homehub,she is asked for a security number which i do not have ,and message comes up that bt wifi is insecure!She uses plusnet at her own home.any ideas most gratefully received.


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Is it the first time she has tried to connect?

If so she probably needs to give the pass code for your WiFi router. It may tube on a label in your router, assuming you haven't set a different pass code.
Yes that is how I get into other peoples wifi. The code is on the router usually.
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Add WEP number thats printed on your hub
She should use your BTHomeHub 3/4/5/ rather than the BT Wifi that goes with it.
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thank you guys...
I finally found the router number for my daughter and she has successfully signed in today...yippee!!!

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Can Anyone Please Help? Re Laptop Signing On

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