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Isn't Nostalgia Wonderful?

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maggiebee | 00:06 Thu 06th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I remember the cheese of my childhood,

And the bread that we cut with a knife,

When the children helped with the housework,

And the men went to work not the wife.

The cheese never needed a fridge,

And the bread was so crusty and hot,

The children were seldom unhappy

And the wife was content with her lot.

I remember the milk from the bottle,

With the yummy cream on the top,

Our dinner came hot from the oven,

And not from the fridge; in the shop.

The kids were a lot more contented,

They didn't need money for kicks,

Just a game with their mates in the road,

And sometimes the Saturday flicks.

I remember the shop on the corner,

Where a pen'orth of sweets was sold

Do you think I'm a bit too nostalgic?

Or is it....I'm just getting old?

I remember the 'loo' was the lav,

And the bogy man came in the night,

It wasn't the least bit funny

Going "out back" with no light.

The interesting items we perused,

From the newspapers cut into squares,

And hung on a peg in the loo,

It took little to keep us amused.

The clothes were boiled in the copper,

With plenty of rich foamy suds

But the ironing seemed never ending

As Mum pressed everyone's 'duds'.

I remember the slap on my backside,

And the taste of soap if I swore

Anorexia and diets weren't heard of

And we hadn't much choice what we wore.

Do you think that bruised our ego?

Or our initiative was destroyed?

We ate what was put on the table

And I think life was better enjoyed.

Rose tinted spectacles??


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tuberculosis, real poverty, old folk dying of Flu because there was no vaccine...not rose tinted glasses, a bloody big blindfold.
Why is that then, anne, I have a wife.
Quite right, woofgang.
Well you can't beat a good thread killer.
the best place for a wife is chained to the kitchen sink just like in the days of old. Now where is my tin hat?
That's right, baza. And under no circumstances should an inferior woman go out to work unless there was a war on!

And the children didn't need money to have fun, even when going to the flicks on a Saturday. Well, of course not! They sneaked in without paying, didn't they!
one had to pay then let the others in the fire escpe.
Of course! A happier time...
^^^escape, damned keyboard, never had this trouble with chalk and dare I say it, blackboards.
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the sun always came out in school holidays, mums waited outside the gates to walk their kids home. Now it's 4X4's parked on the zig zag markings driven by short women with even shorter skirts and tramp stamps.
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according to an advert on our local buses one in ten teenagers has a sexual disease, so they give us old people bus passes to catch both.
san izal toilet paper that slid off your bum and certainly did not do the job properly none of the nice stuff you get now that the puppy plays with ! if you put your hand up in class to go to the loo "with paper" the teacher rummaged in her desk and gave you two sheets [only] of san izal and the whole class knew you were dying to do a poo !
anorexia, like many other things, wasn't discussed...and Lord Byron dieted so lets not say they were unheard of.

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