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TWR | 09:48 Mon 10th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Going to belive this!


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Go to Quizzes NM
'scuse me, I suggested the sun, piggin' hours ago :-(

It's here too, now!
And here.

I only know that because the storms have ripped off the roof of the cage they keep us editors in. Usually it's just pitch black in here.
Aw Ed, does that mean you're going to get wet now?
Yep. You can see why I don't want it to snow now can't you?

They've told me that if it rains they'll give me an umbrella... to hold over the AB server so the site doesn't get soggy.
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Sorry Boxy, I am in Shock lol
I wouldn't get a fraction of the excitement there.
what am i not be-living?
Why does spellchecker work on my laptop but not on my desktop?

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