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Buenchico Is Now A Grandfather

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wolf63 | 02:43 Sat 15th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Congratulations to Buenchico - proud grandfather to four little kittens. I am sure that Patches will make a lovely mother - and in no time Chris will be over-run with little furries. :-)

Remember - kittens only look cute, they are actually quite evil and sadistic little monsters.

Susan - Frankie and Merlin send their love.x



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Many congrats, Chris lol, cigar and a pint on the way.
tony, they are kittens and far too young to smoke and drink ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
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Nungate - there is a leather suite in a local charity shop and it only costs a couple of hundred pounds. Each day I pass I look at it lovingly. Then I remember that bored claws are destructive.

My two siblings are eight and past their most destructive age. But every now and then I find stuffing from an old chair or the old mattress in the spare bedroom half way down the stairs.

Will continue to watch the suite and see what happens.

tony, they are kittens and far too young to smoke and drink

Not to young to learn though, anne, count it has part of the training.
Molly, our oldest cat (14 in July) doesn't shred the sofas, she shreds the rug I put down to stop them sliding all over the wooden floor, it sort of acts as a brake, that way they don't run into things. Well that's the theory at least, Teddy run splat into the big scratching post that sits by the big window at the back of the room the other day, I tried not to laugh at the poor wee soul but it got the better of me - I'm having a wee snigger right now at the thought! I'd never dare buy a leather suite! Next time stuff the new loose covers I'm off to dfs or such much cheaper in the long run!
I've not been around on AB all day, so I've only just read all of the posts above. Thank you all for your lovely comments.

I'm not too worried about the furnishings. My carpet is the ultra-cheapo one that the builders put in, just to make the place easier to sell, when they built this place about 40 years ago (topped up with some rugs, acquired from various charity shops, auctions and boot sales, for about a quid each). So the cats can't do very much damage there! The back of the sofa has long been in shreds (courtesy of various felines) and there's no wallpaper by the front door as that's also been clawed away.

I've found that it's what comes out of cats that can be the problem, rather than what they actually do. For example, years ago I picked up a broadcast-quality reel-to-reel tape recorder in garage sale for £30 (which was worth around £400 if it had been in perfect condition). I paid £100 to have it restored to 'as new' condition (which took 6 months because the specialist technician had to source rare spare parts for it). The day I finally got it home my cat sprayed it and it never worked again!

Similarly I had a brand new gas fire fitted. I used it once, the cat then sprayed it and it's never worked since!
she is a lovely cat :)
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Neither of my two are sprayers. This is good as I often have a cat arse shoved in my face.

They are not easy to live with.
if frightened my cat would jump up at me all claws extended and cling on to whatever part of my anatomy it could see, i still have puncture marks from one encounter.
Part of my problem, Susan, has been that if I acquire an intact male I prefer to leave it that way (which could account for the spraying!). Of course, my little bundles of joy have arrived because someone else around here also has an intact male ;-)

So far I've named the ginger kitten 'Biscuit' and the black-and-white one 'Chequers'. I'm still trying to think of names for the other two!
Have you ever watched "My Cat From Hell" - on Animal Planet?
how about sooty and sweep
I've seen that programme advertised but never watched - I bear the scars from the cats who let me live in their house and allow me to pay for it - besides some of them like watching the tv and I wouldn't want them getting ideas!
Its worth watching - even just once. The cats on there can turn from snarling vicious beasts to the quietest of cats.
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I have to admit that I adopted a dog a few years ago and his first sop was a trip to the vet to have him de-balled. The current morons were fixed before I got them. I would say that Merlin is too stupid to get pregnant, but lack of intelligence never stopped humans procreating.

The picture you posted is lovely - Patches looks dead proud of her babies.
I'd have to be sure they weren't around to watch! My lot do have their "moments" though, and sometimes it's like living in a Tom and Jerry cartoon!
The two kittens I had many years ago (not the current inhabitants) spent a lot of time shinning up the curtains inside the linings. It was great fun for them, but the only way I could get them down was by batting the curtains with a stick. They got their revenge by pooing on the edge of the curtain where I couldn't see it, so when I pulled the curtain, the residue dragged all along the floor......

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