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Just Brilliant

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Caran | 23:55 Sat 15th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Can someone make this live for me please?


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Click on the blue panel
Media URL:
Question Author
Thank you sir.prize and tonyav.
Didn't work for me, pasting the url in the YouTube link box.
This work? Media URL:
Or this?
Question Author
As sir.prize said click on the blue panel, it worked for me.
Fabulous and the facial expressions are priceless! Thank you Caran.
Click on the blue panel and it opens in a new window
Not for me, it doesn't :-(
pixie - are you using Firefox?
Thank you for sharing that Caran, it was very clever.
Question Author
Glad you enjoyed it, sorry to the ones who couldn't see it.
They can now with the you tube version, which is the same routine.

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Just Brilliant

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