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I Know This Is Mean

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Tilly2 | 21:24 Wed 19th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
but when I click on a question and see a whole page of unparagraphed prose, I just click off the post.I cannot be bothered to read it

Why is it that people who have real problematic relationship questions don't know how to write in paragraphs?


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Humbersloop - you have no chance. We live in a new age of txt twitter potatoe's. get real!
but of course you can

Tilly, it's not mean, just too difficult to get to the point
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There's a point, sibs?
just writing quickly, if they are anxious or upset. and its not an English essay is it,? but I agree if you find it irritating no need to read it.
An omni-directional mind, Tilly.

'And' can be used as a device to express stress and emphasis in a conversation....I admit that it is tends to be of American origin but I am guilty as charged - I have used it in my writing.
Its indicative of the low standard of written and spoken English that have crept into our society over the last generation of two Tilly2. My nieces and nephews even talk in text-speak these days !

I have a good friend in New England, whom I receive an email from every month or so. She is a highly educated person but her emails are such a difficult job to read. Pages of stuff but no paragraphs, or anything much in the way of punctuation.

I got into trouble a few months ago, here on AB, when I said that punctuation always matters. But it does !
If you know it's mean why post it?

Like Wolfe says many people type long answers in Word and copy and paste it and then all paragraphs disappear.

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