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What Changes To Ab Were Wrought During The Wee Small Hours?

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sandyRoe | 08:59 Thu 20th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
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Wrilliant, maydup. That deserves West Answer. :-)
09:03 Thu 20th Feb 2014
I think the spelling and punctuation police have been at work. Unless your post is correctly spelled and punctuated it won't appear!!
oh well, I wont be around much then :(
I just noticed that the "threads I'm involved in" tab is gone from my profile. seemed redundant anyway.
Still there on mine!
Oh weird...its back on mine. Lol
Never mind!
// All Capital B's were swapped for Ws :-)//

So Bankers are what ?

I hope that distatesful ad has gone.
Distasteful ad? Which one. Cupid?
Some bird plying her wares - £437 a day apparently, I bet it's not sticking envelopes!
New curtains in the dungeon, Ed has had his throne re-upholstered and the Welcome mat was given a hoover.
Not bad money, Cupes, annual salary of over 113k! Certainly a darned sight more than I earn
Did you use your abacus to work that out Welshy?
No, just my fingers and toes............

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