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What Is That Straw Boater Covered With Pink And Blue Bird Droppings Doing At The Top Of...

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sandyRoe | 12:08 Wed 26th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
...the page?


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Salad cream !, no chance, I don't even have that stuff on a salad.
It's like Neknominate only safer. You say what you would do for a cake - Cakenominate.
Every time you mention cake, you should see a link to the cake competition (unless I've not set this up correctly).
I did think that Grasscarp - bad (or good?) timing!

We're not going to make you DO anything you enter as an answer... Gnome n safety and all that...
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Ab Editor, let them eat cake. The techies, I mean. The link is working very well.
Mmmmm, I suspect that there maybe some brain washing going on here !.
Elf and safety. Surely?
I'm always happy to bypass Gnome and Safety to carry out my task....well for cake I am...x
I could just eat steak pie and chips
How many calories do you think that would be - if its under 300 I am having it
Ric, steak pie and chips only has 10 calories in it.

That is per baby forkful, so go ahead :-D x
Average steak pie for one = 650 calories.
Define "for one" craft?

I know when I get a savoury pastry craving one = all :)
does anyone else put links (sausages) in their steak pie? or is it just steak?

oooh, I think we might need a thread with on that, with cake for afters....
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Links in a steak pie? That sounds like over-egging the cake.
also sounds as though the pie would be quite tasty

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