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I Cant Have A Shower

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slinky.kate | 13:26 Wed 26th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
it kept cutting out on me yesterday and done it twice to my son today,phoned up the company that installed it and they said not to use it as there must be a short somewhere.i will just go swimming tonight so I can get a shower at the baths.


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Stinky.kate...... :-)
13:31 Wed 26th Feb 2014

wash your hand while you are in there!
whats it doing (or not doing) Kate? does it sound like the pump is running but water is either trickling out or not coming out at all?
Do you not have a bath?
Don't forget to take your shower gel and talc, kate.
And shampoo!
Oh yeah, I knew I'd forgotten something, thanks cupes.
PMSL @ shoota
You're welcome toneeeeeeeeee, lol! x
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ummmmm,i don't have a bath,its a walk in shower now,i was struggling with the bath so got rid of it.the electricians didn't phone so hopefully get it fixed tomorrow.
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booldawg,no power everything goes dead.

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I Cant Have A Shower

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