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Camel Balls

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Maydup | 22:02 Thu 27th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I popped into the paper/sweet shop which is right opposite the school in town and I saw these camel balls. They were on the lowest level right in the middle of the children's sweets!!

Gave me the hump!


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I don't think that the name of that product is suitable for young children. It was probably "created" by some individual who is still amused by nudge, nudge, wink, wink puerile bathroom humor.
decorum has been superseded by crassness
Just wrong.
what do they taste like ? the sweets of course.
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Its bubble gum Dee. I didn't buy any, but stood pointing it out to OH in amazement amid the kiddies sweets.
I love it that some parent is "outraged" !

Some people just don't have enough to do.
first action would have been a complaint to the shopkeeper. dependant on that reply what action i would take next.
Their ire would be better directed at the many camel toes blatantly displayed by ladies of a certain type with a penchant for stretch fabric.
Now THAT will frighten the weans.
First action by the mum in question would be to go away and get a life.
tasteful sort of shop to take your children to.
i really don't get what the fuss is over..... totally agree with JJ,

its a silly joke
...and children don't know that animals have appendages....? Yeah, right.
Lol...corrupting our innocent children....oh, wait a minute, most of them are on the internet!!!
I hope she never takes her children to the zoo.

Wouldn't want her children to see anything inappropriate.

Those giraffes! It's like two beach balls in a pillow case. And RIGHT at eye level !!
Was just thinking that JJ. As has been said "get a life" springs to mind.
teacher, 'what's that in you trousers johnny?', 'camel balls miss'

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