Is it just my imagination or are there far more Snowdrops around this year and seem to be lasting longer. I can't remember seeing as many in previous years. Something to do with all this rain maybe.
Over the past 2 or 3 yrs my snowdrops dwindled but this year the clumps that are left have really increased and are lasting well. They did appear at exactly the right time but the crocuses which were early have done well too.
Lovely Tilly, I really must go one year. I think snowdrops are magical, such delicate things yet they push their way through frozen ground and gravel. They were my mum's favourite flowers, her birthday was Jan 31st and they're always out by then.
I seem to recall reading that the appalling winter weather is responsible for the abundance of snowdrops this spring, we have them in places we've never had them before. A number of strange looking things are appearing in the garden, quite exciting really!