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Dee Sa | 09:16 Sun 09th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I don't often do this as I am not fond of precocious kids, but this little Dutch girl is something new
her voice truly is unbelievable, hope you like it.


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see if that works
it didn't, i copied the youtube link in ?
i did listen for a moment, it is surprising,
lovely, i hope they don't work the voice out of her, as sometimes happens with good singers.
Beautiful, just beautiful!
what worries me most is that she has a fine voice, age 9, with the wrong type of coaching, it can be ruined, if she goes on to sing opera, which i hope she does, then you can't rush it, it takes time, however she does sing beautifully,
dee you should see Jackie Arancho, i think that's her name, quite similar, in that she started young.
That's made me cry and I'm not hot on precocious kids either. She's almost angelic.
one of my favourite arias
Wow!! just WOW!!!
Emmie teaching them wrong - is more of a problem with pop singers along with bad intonation and hip thrusts

that would be pop singers who can sing - I wouldnt put the hip thrusting sir Mick amongst them. his talents lie elsewhere

with a decent teacher she should be all right. Alot live all their lives waiting for just one and wont spoil the chance.

My own muzak teacher Roger Bevan taught Philip Fowke ( pianist ) and Kevin Chuff Byrne - voted muzak teacher of the year and I am pretty sure the rest of us went on to read an ology at uni
She's wonderful.
according to the website she is largely self taught, which means she has a natural gift. There is nothing to say she will continue on to be an opera singer, i hope she does, but voices like hers, so very young need a long time to mature, opera is not like any other vocal training, and she is only 9.
Charlotte Church was a good singer, but she eventually rebelled against the regime she was under, and now you hardly hear of her.
Beautiful, another one for my you tube collection.

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