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redvanman | 08:47 Mon 31st Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
How can a MP do 30 hours plus on private consultation for £300.000 plus and still do is MP job for the country it is a joke what they are doing


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Do you have a link to an interesting News Item that we should read, please?
I agree, MPs should be banned from doing other work.
it isn't in the news section, Baldric, so you can wing it

Jno, yes, I had noticed, however...

How do we know it's not a made-up story
a made up story ? sound very plausible to me ,
Another way of looking at it is why would a high flying, high earner such as a QC give up a massive salary and the life style that goes with it to earn a relative pittance as an MP?

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