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National Fun Day!

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APugsLife | 09:06 Tue 01st Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Did you know that today is national fun day at work?

Anybody celebrating?


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they must be, non on AB :)
yes i just got in from work well happy!!!!!!
Yes it is always a party here at AB Towers :-)
invites only ? ed.
it's Sourdough Bread Day

I hope they're making plenty of dough at AB Towers

there'll be no fun at my work today -- moral is too low
Question Author
I was thinking of sharing some cake - anybody got any ideas on other way to celebrate? Maybe sharing some sourdough bread would be more appropriate.
if you mean bread, jno, then if you mean money.... no also :-(
this is an april fool?
I hope that it isn't compulsory.

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National Fun Day!

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