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I Have An Ulcer

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slinky.kate | 21:35 Fri 04th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
in my groin,and its bloody sore,hardly slept the past couple of nights


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might it be infected kate ?
Ouch - nasty. Have you seen the doc?
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went to docs today ,have started on penicillin and a cream,she said it started in a hair follicle,turned to a cyst ,then an ulcer,its about the size of a hazel nut and very painful,there is a lot of infection there.
poor thing, must be very painful, hope the treatment works, are you taking pain killers ?
Ouch,sounds sore,cotton knickers (down to the knee,like grannies used to wear)be more comfy. Hope you're better soon
You poor thing, they're horrible aren't they, I get recurrent abscesses/ulcers and they can be nasty.

Have they given you a decent dose of antibiotics to help shift it? Some of mine have needed a couple of courses.

Keep a close eye on it. You can get dressings you can attach over to prevent any rubbing and making it worse, can be a difficult place to stick something on though. I find keeping things open to the air when practical can help a bit too.

Have you got any painkillers you can take to help with the pain?
I feel for you Kate. I had an abscess in the same place as you and didn't get it seen to until late when I ended up in A&E in excruciating pain. I ended up in theatre and had it lanced. Spent the next 2 to 3 weeks having iodine gauze strips packed into the hole it left.

Had another one a few years later but got it treated with antibiotics as it wasn't as bad as the first one. I recognised the signs earlier.
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omg.tiggerblue,i don't want that,i am on 500mgs flucloxacillin 4 times a day,and also a paste and some dressings,i hope it comes to a head soon and bursts,just to get rid of the pain,its so sore when I walk its rubbing off the top of my leg.
Has it not got any kind of head on it so far? Some of mine just go down themselves or with antibiotics but do keep a close eye on it, I ended up in A&E too with one which they lanced under a local anaesthetic and then, like tigger, I had packed and dressed. It actually wasn't bad at all as they numbed the area.

It's better than it festering though if it needs that, actually a good relief when they sort it, especially as they can make you feel really crap generally. If you get a temperature or streaks coming form it or anything like that then get someone to have a look at it. If it hasn't got a lot better once you finish the antibiotics then get looked at again in case it needs stronger broad spectrum antibiotics and/or lancing. Some GP surgeries can do it I think.
I was given a general anesthetic for some reason. Maybe because it was in an awkward position or it was really bad. Not sure.
They were talking about admitting me and doing it under a general when they admitted me to the emergency surgery ward from A&E.

They said it could be a few days until they did it but I was concerned about work, then someone mentioned the possibility of trying it under a local if I was ok with that and two surgeons came and did it that way within hours which was much better for me as I could go home after and then just go get it dressed and such at a clinic.

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