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4Th In The National

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Dee Sa | 16:32 Sat 05th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
do you get anything for 4th ? being a cautious old girl I only had a £1 e.w. my late f-I-law was named Alvaro thts why I backed the horse with a similar name !


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1/4 of the odds, 33/4 + 1
No, lost a fiver on second. Closest I've ever been, I think.
£9.25, ell done
Sorry, misread question!
Well done ^^
£2 each way on Double Seven purely because 2 x 7 = 14. Don' even know what betting I got on it at 12.45pm.
2* 10/4 + 2 = £7.00 return unless you took bigger odds
Thanks to the race commentator, I was sitting here quietly feeling smug with myself in the belief - false as it turned out - that i had the fifth home (most bookies were paying 5 places). Then they showed the first 5 and mine wasn't there:-(. 6th!!! Well done anyone on the winner.
Ken, the dentist wins :-(
Is that £7 for me Psybbo? If so, after watching all those poor horses and jockeys going down, I'm very disappointed. I did'nt know the horse was a favourite:)
Picked the winner at random. It's the only race I bet on. Was close to putting 10 e/w but made do with 5 e/w.
I had a fiver each way on balthazer king @ 14/1. Do I get my stake back?
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tks Psybbo I am hopeless at math, congrats to all winners.
Thanks Dee and well done to TTG, quids in
E/w covered 4th with Ladbrokes, if you have a bookies slip it should tell you how much you get for a win or other placing on e/w. I got a tenner on an e/w bet on Balthazar King. Don't think that any of my other horses finished!
carrust; you'll get £22.50 back which includes the £5 place stake - you lose then £5 win stake.
Cheers ken.

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