It might be worth trying to work out why the plants haven't flowered. For example, the RHS website suggests overcrowding as one possibility (in respect of daffodils) and specifically advises replanting them.
"If overcrowded groups of daffodils are not flowering, lift them when the foliage dies back in the summer. Improve the soil with organic matter and a little general purpose fertiliser e.g. Growmore at a rate of 70g per sq m (2oz per sq yd), and then re-plant the bulbs so there is a 5-7.5cm (2-3in) gap between each one. Replant small bulbs in more fertile soil (e.g. a vegetable plot) to encourage bulb build-up".
Equally, however, (and unsurprisingly) the RHS website also states "diseased bulbs should be discarded".
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