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Crazy Time

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wolf63 | 16:08 Sat 12th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I have an infected (and painful) finger and am attempting to type up a document with the remaining fingers.

All around me is bedlam as my two innocent little feline siblings interact and attempt to destroy my house.


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wolf is your finger no better ?
Simon's cat explains in the truest form what living with felines is really like. I hope your finger makes a full recovery asap Wolf :-)
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anne - I ended up getting an emergency appointment at my GP yesterday. This very young looking doctor drained it and it looks ghastly, but it feels better. I am on Flucloxacillin 500mg - taking two four times a day, this is double my previous dose.

I tried creeping out of the surgery without my own GP noticing me (I could hear his voice booming when I was in the waiting room). Alas as I passed his room he shouted my name, I believe that I made an obscene gesture to him when I showed him my middle finger. He laughed.

I just want to get this typing done and out the way - it's gobbledygook.

I hope that Queen of Mean is having better luck with her toe.

Peas - he just needs to put in some barfing and it would be more realistic. :-)
I think Ziggi is auditioning to be one of Simons cats !!

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