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Phoning The Uk From The Us

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Maydup | 22:43 Sun 13th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
If I need to give my phone number to someone in the US am I right in thinking its

+44 1??? ??????

Leaving off the zero from the local dialling code


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Yes, I'm sure that is correct maydup. If you are phoning out it would be 00.1
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Just checking again online and now wondering if I need to put

011 +44 +1??? ??????
They dial 01144 then the number without the zero
No, you just need 44 - your area code-your landline number.
You only use the '00' if you are calling the US. That is what I do and it works fine when I call Massachusets.
They need to dial the 011 to dial out of the US then the 44 to get into the UK.
Can't do any harm to give them both numbers then they can try them.
I just find they can call me just using the 44 but the state may differ. 237SJ could also be correct.
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Thanks all. Remembering that I am giving my number to someone in US to ring me in UK. I will put 01144 1??? ??????

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Phoning The Uk From The Us

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