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I Didn't Have An Easter Egg

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Tilly2 | 20:03 Wed 23rd Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
but Mr Tilly bought me a ...................................guess what?
Not jewellery, clothes, make-up, perfume, anything for the house, holiday, theatre ticket, garden stuff.

Just something I will love.

Go on have a guess. See how well you know me.


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Ahhh think 237 has it?
Ah. Handling a falconry ;-)
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237SJ has it! I can't wait! It's called Little and Large. Little Owl up to Condor! Wow.
Please see my post at 20.17.
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Off to eat. Be back later.
awe, I thought it was a black push-up bra !
Lovely pressie, Tilly.....he forgot me..... :-( Anyway...Rutland soon?
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Rutland, yes gness, asap.

I don't need a push up, anne. I'm pushy enough.

Shoota, you got it, Spot on. were rude about my poem.
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Isn't it frightening how much you reveal about yourself on here?
I was going to say a balloon trip, I'd love to do that.
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Then you should, ayg. Get one booked!
A bag of potting compost?
a bag of horse manure for the garden/allotment?
a new iron?
a new washing machine?
a new microwave?
a sewing machine?
a new television?

^^^^ Was answered @ 2023 on previous page
Your hubby gave you the bird ?!?

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I Didn't Have An Easter Egg

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