Business & Finance2 mins ago
Vacuum Cleaner
84 Answers
need a new one, can anyone suggest a good one, preferably one that actually does what it says, as mine doesn't, its adequate no more. I am now unable to move well, bend, so anything where i don't have to do it much.
good make, best picker uper, if you know what i mean,
also a good carpet sweeper, same principle, as i just killed the one i have by shaking, and it promptly fell apart.
good make, best picker uper, if you know what i mean,
also a good carpet sweeper, same principle, as i just killed the one i have by shaking, and it promptly fell apart.
Get a Ge Tech Ram. Rechargeable , in readily easy to use and carry. Look for the video ad. I think it's brilliant. And because it's cordless... no bending down and messing with plugs and cables. Go for it! And if you are my sort of age's incomparable . Also look it up on John Lewis web site and read the reviews! You won't regret it. Also handle on stem position...
08:29 Mon 21st Apr 2014
OH got this one on offer a couple of weeks ago, easy to move around
http:// www.cur uk/gbuk /home-a pplianc es/vacu um-clea ners/up right-v acuum-c leaners /dyson- dc40-an imal-up right-b agless- vacuum- cleaner -iron-f uscia-2 1499058 ml?intc mpid=di splay~R R~Home+ Applian ces~214 99058