Local Quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Local Quiz

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Ticknall19 | 19:05 Mon 28th Apr 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
Local quiz where setter gives clue and states answer is 9 letters. However this could be 2,7 - 3,6 - 4,5, 5,4 etc, or could be a 9-lettered answer.

I am stuck on two to complete it:

1. Upset (4) I have ??r?, so I think it is either awry, or turn.

2. Wholly dependent upon weekly emolument. I think it starts wage: then I have ??a?e. The remaining part is also interdependent upon the 1st letter of number 1 above, so if it is awry then I have wage a?a?e, and if it is turn I have wage t?a?e

Can anyone out there give me any help please. T.I.A. ticknall19
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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wage slave
2. wage slave
wage slave
If 1 is 4 letters, how can it be 9 letters?
1. Hurt
Question Author
Thank you to all three of you. I like the answer, but it rather throws a spanner in the works for my other answer, doesn't it? I can't think of any answer to upset (4) that is s?r?
Oh we, I'll have to try again.
is it 9 letters you need? sore loser? Based on Frognog's suggestion
Question Author
Please excuse me, inasmuch that I have misled you totally. The majority of the answers are 9 letters, or combinations to make 9, but there are four that consist of 4 letters, so that the layout is usable. Please excuse my aged brain.....
Oh I see. I still think the answer is sore :)
Question Author
Thanks again everyone. As is said nowadays, I'll give it a whirl, until someone comes up with something better. I can't get into the setter's mind, so we'll see in a month's time. Many thanks to you all for helping out.

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