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Doesn't Life Knock Some Folk About.

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gness | 00:51 Sun 04th May 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
A lad from my working days married and had a little boy who drowned while on holiday down south two years ago.

This week the family held a little memorial service on the boy's sixth birthday at the place where he drowned.

On the way home the boy's uncle was killed in a road accident.....

Too sad for words......x


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Some get more than their share of sadness Gness for sure.
I agree Gness, so terribly sad
poor poor family.
Question Author
I know....nice lad he was....nice little family. They must wonder what they've done to have this thrown at them.
Very very sad
Life does that to some people gness. It isn't right, but it happens. My sympathy goes to the family.
How dreadful :(
Oh, that is terrible. So sorry for the family.
So sorry for the family Gness, that is tragic.
how very sad. that poor family.
That certainly is a tough call.
Poor family - our hearts go out to them. Also to Ann Mcguire's family, she sounded such a lovely teacher.
At times life is far from being fair. what a tragedy.
Jaysus, very sad indeed, gness.
Some get far more than their fair share of heartache gness, very sad.
That is very sad.
Very sad indeed. It certainly brings it home just how fragile life is.
Question Author
It is sad...I think he was an honorary uncle....but their lives must be so full of what ifs just now.....a lot for a young family to be dealing with....x

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