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venator | 01:06 Sat 10th May 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
For UKIP read "none of the above"

It's another protest vote party with no hope of gaining power and having to live up to their promises, just like the discredited Lib Dems.

UKIP has renounced it's last Manifesto - should that tell us something?


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Yes, it tells me not to trust anything in the grauniad.
...has renounced it's last...

Come on, mate, don't look like a prat...
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I completely agree, methyl, but can't fathom for the life of me what you're apologising for...
Forage wasn't far out, it's still got an overpaid Irish bloke on it.
Yup, both of them, telegraph does do a good crossword.
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PROMISE THEM ANYTHING - you won't have to live up to it. like the Lib Dem Uni fees promise! It's just for the election innit?
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There you go again!
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Such a shame...
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You've completely missed the point. I'll spell it out for you.

"I'm sorry but that pompous prat..."

You are completely correct, but what on earth are you apologising for? Are you ashamed of having a mind of your own? Do you think that you need to apologise for disagreeing with others? What is wrong with you...?
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Sorry Jeffa - what is your point?

What were your first two words on this thread?
^^ That was to methyl, obviously...
'I'm sorry' used in that context is just a figure of speech, as you well know, Jeffa, but you really can't help yourself, can you?

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