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retrocop | 11:10 Wed 14th May 2014 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Has anyone heard or know how sandyroe is?


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Miss Sandy's posts. If you're peeking in Sandy - come back to us!!
12:40 Wed 14th May 2014
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Really pleased to hear all is well Sandy(well relatively)Welcome back when your ready.
Glad to know you OK sandy. Hope your sister sees sense and gets it done. Come back soon, Crosswords section is missing you.
Thanks for putting our minds at rest. Great to see you back. Take care of yourself xx
good to see you sandy x
Hi, Sandy...take care now....Love Gx
agree with all glad your ok m8
Sandy, great to see you posting again. I thought I was going to have to trawl the streets of Belfast shouting 'SANDYROE,WHERE ARE YOU'. I hope life gets a bit easier soon, love and take care, sibs xx

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