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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:57 Mon 26th May 2014 | ChatterBank
135 Answers
Hollibob Monday. The sky is almost clear, but it's non too warm out. So a short walk this morning. Not many of the usual suspects out and about, most of them done their nightly work and gone home. All I saw was badger on the move. Oh well, can't expect them to wait for me. Foxy and tiggy paid their respects as usual. Tiggy was right up to the back door, the closest he's been.

Have a happy day everyone.


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I know!...You lot never have a lie in.....I've been having a lie in since... gosh....years now....☺
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You know how to pick them DT. The first of those two has stunning views over the Severn Vale.
Very well, thanks, was in bed about 9pm for a proper sleep.....
water+gness+tricity = fork+minty+gardening......
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Well done gness. :o} Nothing wrong with a lie in. The last time I had one I was ill!
Mornin everyone- hope you all have an excellent bunk off Monday :)
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Good comparison DT. :o}
Anyone would think Minty and I were acci....hmmmm...okay....☺
Morning gness and ummm xx
DT, could i have the 2nd one please? Although love the kitchen and bathroom in number 3. Hmmmm. Seriously thinking, now....x
Morning gness, morning kval
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Morning kvalxxx All well? :o}
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pix you can have a look while you are here. :o}
Yes, I would go for 2 if I could lighten those beams to their natural wood or paint them white or linen. Bathroom needs a good hack
They are gorgeous- and so is the area. Would have to move my sister over too- but don't think she'd need much persuasion! Better go to work. Have a lovely day everyone xx
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Have a happy day pix xxxxx

DT that would be my choice too.

Time I made a move too.

Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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