Retrochic - "
that much ill-considered baseless nonsense that now has six schools under special measures due to islam extremist infiltration (alleged)"
Actually, the measures are in polace because Ofsted hbas judged that pupils were insufficiently protected from potential extremist influence, which is not the same as saying that such influence is in place in the schools concerned.
It is an important difference, and one the media is keen to gloss over in its on-going campain of scare-mongering.
Let history remind us of the folly of reacting to circumstances which are not actually in place.
The Viet Nam was fought, and lost at the cost of billions of dollars and thousands of lives because th e US government of the time enjoyed an obsession with the 'spread of comunism' which has ceased to be any meaningful threat anywhere in the world, and that was in no way shapd or created by the war or its results.
The US and UK have fought another pointless and costly war (in terms of cash and lives again) fighting a 'war on terror' as President Bush and PM Blair trumpeted it - although neither is arouind now to account for their folly, and the war has acheived nothing whatever in terms of protection of western values.
Now, we are to believe the 'Muslim extremism' is infiltrating our schools, with little or no concrete evidence except one visit of a 'hate preacher' who has stated his support for Al Qauida, but actually advised Muslim children to make the post of their opportunities to contrinute to the country in which they live.
This rumour-mongering and fear-stoking has been around since McCarthy's 'reds under the bed'. It is insidious, it feeds ignorant and uninformed opinion, and worse, action, and it solves nothing.
Well, actually, not quite - it does sell newspapers.