Motoring1 min ago
World War 1&2
38 Answers
Why did these brave men give there lives for this country and freedom just to see ISLAM trying to destroy it wile the government have not got the balls to stop it
Just to be controversia l. I think everyone with a religion should leave the UK. Hans.
14:20 Mon 09th Jun 2014
Although redvanman may not have put his point quite eloquently enough for some of us, a point he does indeed have.
There is no doubt that some people involved in Islam (not all, but some) see it as their aim in life to spread the influence of their religion worldwide. They want the UK to succumb to Islamic practices, accept them as normal and encourage them to be widespread. I'm not talking about blowing people up, I'm talking about far more subtle things which involve the subjugation of women, the indoctrination of children. The "Trojan Horse" matter is very aptly named. It seems there is good reason to believe that children are being indoctrinated into the ways of Islam. Children are being segregated by gender (with chaps up the front, natch). They are being cajoled into following, if not consciously, the Muslim faith (e.g. no swimming during Ramadan in case they swallow any water). Universities are being pressured into allowing gender segregated assemblies. Halal meat is being imposed upon people who either do not know about it or may not wish to eat it.
There’s a whole lot more but that’s enough to be going on with. Successive UK governments, in their ridiculous efforts to appear “nice, not nasty” has appeased all this behaviour and has been complicit in allowing the values of equality and fairness, which most of us cherish and which the brave souls in WW1 and WW2 sacrificed so much for, to be completely overlooked. They have thrown the baby out with the bathwater.
I don't want to live in a country where women are treated as second class citizens (or worse) and are seen simply as men's child-bearing chattels. There are plenty of places worldwide where, if that's your thing, you can practice it aplenty. Those wanting it or needing it should head elsewhere if the way we live our lives here does not suit them. And governments need to get grip and control what goes on in schools and indeed elsewhere.
There is no doubt that some people involved in Islam (not all, but some) see it as their aim in life to spread the influence of their religion worldwide. They want the UK to succumb to Islamic practices, accept them as normal and encourage them to be widespread. I'm not talking about blowing people up, I'm talking about far more subtle things which involve the subjugation of women, the indoctrination of children. The "Trojan Horse" matter is very aptly named. It seems there is good reason to believe that children are being indoctrinated into the ways of Islam. Children are being segregated by gender (with chaps up the front, natch). They are being cajoled into following, if not consciously, the Muslim faith (e.g. no swimming during Ramadan in case they swallow any water). Universities are being pressured into allowing gender segregated assemblies. Halal meat is being imposed upon people who either do not know about it or may not wish to eat it.
There’s a whole lot more but that’s enough to be going on with. Successive UK governments, in their ridiculous efforts to appear “nice, not nasty” has appeased all this behaviour and has been complicit in allowing the values of equality and fairness, which most of us cherish and which the brave souls in WW1 and WW2 sacrificed so much for, to be completely overlooked. They have thrown the baby out with the bathwater.
I don't want to live in a country where women are treated as second class citizens (or worse) and are seen simply as men's child-bearing chattels. There are plenty of places worldwide where, if that's your thing, you can practice it aplenty. Those wanting it or needing it should head elsewhere if the way we live our lives here does not suit them. And governments need to get grip and control what goes on in schools and indeed elsewhere.
Retrochic - "
that much ill-considered baseless nonsense that now has six schools under special measures due to islam extremist infiltration (alleged)"
Actually, the measures are in polace because Ofsted hbas judged that pupils were insufficiently protected from potential extremist influence, which is not the same as saying that such influence is in place in the schools concerned.
It is an important difference, and one the media is keen to gloss over in its on-going campain of scare-mongering.
Let history remind us of the folly of reacting to circumstances which are not actually in place.
The Viet Nam was fought, and lost at the cost of billions of dollars and thousands of lives because th e US government of the time enjoyed an obsession with the 'spread of comunism' which has ceased to be any meaningful threat anywhere in the world, and that was in no way shapd or created by the war or its results.
The US and UK have fought another pointless and costly war (in terms of cash and lives again) fighting a 'war on terror' as President Bush and PM Blair trumpeted it - although neither is arouind now to account for their folly, and the war has acheived nothing whatever in terms of protection of western values.
Now, we are to believe the 'Muslim extremism' is infiltrating our schools, with little or no concrete evidence except one visit of a 'hate preacher' who has stated his support for Al Qauida, but actually advised Muslim children to make the post of their opportunities to contrinute to the country in which they live.
This rumour-mongering and fear-stoking has been around since McCarthy's 'reds under the bed'. It is insidious, it feeds ignorant and uninformed opinion, and worse, action, and it solves nothing.
Well, actually, not quite - it does sell newspapers.
that much ill-considered baseless nonsense that now has six schools under special measures due to islam extremist infiltration (alleged)"
Actually, the measures are in polace because Ofsted hbas judged that pupils were insufficiently protected from potential extremist influence, which is not the same as saying that such influence is in place in the schools concerned.
It is an important difference, and one the media is keen to gloss over in its on-going campain of scare-mongering.
Let history remind us of the folly of reacting to circumstances which are not actually in place.
The Viet Nam was fought, and lost at the cost of billions of dollars and thousands of lives because th e US government of the time enjoyed an obsession with the 'spread of comunism' which has ceased to be any meaningful threat anywhere in the world, and that was in no way shapd or created by the war or its results.
The US and UK have fought another pointless and costly war (in terms of cash and lives again) fighting a 'war on terror' as President Bush and PM Blair trumpeted it - although neither is arouind now to account for their folly, and the war has acheived nothing whatever in terms of protection of western values.
Now, we are to believe the 'Muslim extremism' is infiltrating our schools, with little or no concrete evidence except one visit of a 'hate preacher' who has stated his support for Al Qauida, but actually advised Muslim children to make the post of their opportunities to contrinute to the country in which they live.
This rumour-mongering and fear-stoking has been around since McCarthy's 'reds under the bed'. It is insidious, it feeds ignorant and uninformed opinion, and worse, action, and it solves nothing.
Well, actually, not quite - it does sell newspapers.
The point is rarely made here that the insularity of these immigrant groups could have something to do with reception afforded to early incomers and the huge differences in the cultural outlook of a substantially peasant people, faced with a society in which they were complete outsiders. Many came to do jobs in the textile industries which had little attraction for the existing population at a time of full employment.
Svejk - "but you don't know how things would have turned out without those 'pointless' wars, andy."
That's true, but histlry has proved in all cases that western democracies were the agreesors, without exhausting diplomacy first, and without achieveing their stated aims and objectives.
Not for nothing did Churchill - who knew a bit about these things, say "To jaw jaw is always better than tho war war."
That's true, but histlry has proved in all cases that western democracies were the agreesors, without exhausting diplomacy first, and without achieveing their stated aims and objectives.
Not for nothing did Churchill - who knew a bit about these things, say "To jaw jaw is always better than tho war war."