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Isn't 'apotropaic' A Nice Word?

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sandyRoe | 16:55 Sun 15th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I came across it while googling, 'eye cup'. While it's not one you'd use often it's good to have it in reserve and, fingers crossed, It'll be given an outing soon..


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Lovely word Sandy, even if it doesn't trip off the tongue very easily. Had to look up the phonetic pronunciation.
17:00 Sun 15th Jun 2014
I like "defenestration". There's many a time I've been tempted to defenestrate my computer.
RATTER, did you have a look at her clematis ?.
I did, it was purple, was very nice!
Purple RATTER !, send her to see sqad !.

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Isn't 'apotropaic' A Nice Word?

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