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More Excited Than The Kids!!!

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sherrardk | 11:07 Sun 15th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Off on holidays tomorrow, so excited I feel a bit sick!


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Are you doing Universal and Sea World too? If so my brother said ride the Kracken. I haven't been to Florida but he said absolutely no downsides except his ankles swelled up after the flight because of the heat etc. Enjoy!
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No, it's not school holidays but we have been granted authorised absence (because of himself's on going head problems). We are doing Disney/universal but himself is not going to go on any 'shaky' rides.
the kids would love catastrophe canyon at Disney's Hollywood Studios fantastic sherr, mrs c screamed lol, himself could go on it hardly any shaking!!
Have a great time Sherr.
Hope you all have a brilliant time - we were there in April. Have you had a look at the new fast pass system? You can prebook things online, which actually makes it harder to get a fastpass when you are in the park. Hope you have planned most of the things you want to go on, you need a plan of action! Although the queues should be smaller than they were in April, it is still useful to plan in advance.
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We have booked some fast passes already and have a vague plan. We only booked it four weeks ago so haven't had that long to get organised, but I'm sure it'll be fine :)
Your kids will love you forever!!!
Just relax and enjoy yourself. Remember the quote from Casablanca.
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Thanks for all your good wishes. It's a lot to spend on a holiday but you're a long time dead.
Sher.....have the most wonderful time....Love Ma xxx
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Thanks Ma, I don't know how these people who plan a holiday a year in advance cope, the excitement would kill me! x
Sher I hope you, himself and the kids have a brilliant holiday. I envy your family life.
Have a great time Sherr, you deserve a happy time after all the worry about Mr Sherr, hope he keeps well too and enjoys himself. Keep safe xxx
Have a marvellous time.
You all deserve it.
Hope you have a wonderful time Sherr.

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