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Why Does Hearing Running Water ...

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sunny-dave | 17:34 Sun 22nd Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
... make you want to wee. Especially if it is going to be awkward to find appropriate facilities??

strained dave :-()


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lager tastes a bit better tho
It sure does, bernie.
unless its fosters tone then there's no difference
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Possibly ....
It never did when I was younger but now I am 61, I daren't go near anything watery ! For years I wanted to see the Trevi Fountain in Rome but when I finally made it a couple of years ago, all I wanted to do was to find a bl**dy toilet, and Rome, while a wonderful city, does not specialize in public toilets !

unless its fosters tone then there's no difference

Yeah, or that Castlemaine xxxx, bernie.
lol castlemaine brewed in a urinal
Yeah, what is it with this Aussie crap lager.
i'm a 1664 man myself
Thats an alrighty drink, bernie, I quite like Amstel.
funny i'm not a lover of stella much
Neither am I, bernie. Tastes funny to me.
In the olden days if you couldn't pee after giving birth a nurse would stand outside the loo door whistling....while you tried.....:-)
Did the new mother have to do a pee before they'd let them go home, gness ?.
enjoying your hols ?.
I had to have a pee before they let me out after the grommet things, Tony....
Having the best holiday ever!...xx
Wot, you gave birth to grommets !, gness.
Glad your enjoying your hols.
i've always had a yen to see niagara falls, you've all put me off now

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