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Sharp Intake Of Breath

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maggiebee | 00:26 Fri 27th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Just read that a Dundee bank manager has appeared in court accused of embezzling almost £100,000 from his employers, Santander over an eight-month period while employed as a branch manager. It was from my branch! How could he get away with this for 8 months?


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good at his job
I suppose managers must get a certain amount of autonomy; you might expect unusual activity to be picked up after a few months, which is maybe what happened.
Are your bawbees safe, maggiebee?
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Question Author
Certainly hope they are Sandy, not that I've that many to worry about lol.
I wish, methyl... who are they going to make up the missing money from?
a closet the books !
will he be cooking porridge soon?

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Sharp Intake Of Breath

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