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I'm More Damaging Than Ryanair!

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gness | 13:52 Wed 02nd Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Returned from holiday with two suitcases a little bit scuffed but intact.

I have just fallen down the stairs and landed in one waiting to be unpacked. I have squished the once firm and reinforced corner and completely bent the wheel.....

'Tis true.....Minty and I must never get together.....☺


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both of you in the same care home would . . . . . . be amusing. . . . . dangerous. . . . . . . . . . needing a stand-by doctor and surgeon. . . . . . . . endless supplies of medicines, etc. to help you both.
I have never known a more accident-prone person than you gness. How you manage to have (survive) these accidents is amazing. You should write a book like Bridget Jones' Diary listing all that has happened to you. I'm sure it would be a runaway best-seller!!!
I do hope you haven't hurt yourself, and am just relieved that the plane/ferry didn't crash!! Welcome back to the UK. Lots of love and chuckles xxx

I think MM is running you a close second at the moment gness.
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Hi all......think Minty is edging into the lead....

I have changed out of the floaty trousers that tripped me....only so far I'm prepared to float.....or free fall in this case...

Think I will have some spectacular bruising, but in places I can't show anyone..... :-(
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Oh, Helly....the plane was was just the airport that was on fire when I landed.....☻
Poor Justin....
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I know....bring back Gordon.....x
Gness you are my

OMG separate 'em QUICK!!!!!!!
I hope the case came off worse than you!I can fall over lying down!take more scotch with as my son says
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I'm so glad, Minty......I will continue to inspire.....takes no effort....☺
And if Slappy won't entertain us I know someone down south with a big house and sea views....fancy a trip?

Petal...'tis only the scotch that deadens the pain, isn't it?...☺

yes,if only I didn't spill most of it

I've moved, . . . . Honest!
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Most chemists do a non spill baby cup, Petal....they work a treat.... ;-)
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You tried that before, Baldric....and we found you........☻

Oh yeah! :-(

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