Rabbit Scrapes in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Rabbit Scrapes

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Bigears49 | 07:38 Thu 03rd Jul 2014 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
Why do rabbits 'scrape'? We are staying on a heathland in Suffolk and are surrounded by rabbit scrapes. What is the benefit to the rabbit? Territorial marking? Digging for roots? Boredom?
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Eating roots I think.
They also use them for shelter I think.
woofgang, I may be wrong but I think Bigears is talking about the little divets they dig all over the grassland, usually about 3 inches across and an inch deep.

Well that's what I assumed anyway.
Probably an element of truth in all those this that you mention, Bigears.
Hare's also do this rather than burrow and they are called 'Forms'
I presume the feeding roots of trees are the most nutritious ones. I also think that maybe they can smell the fungal spores of toadstools and have a dig to see if something yummy is sprouting just under the surface.

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