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Dee Sa | 22:54 Mon 07th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
all quiet on the western front tonight ? hope you r both okay ?
Dee x


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yeah jay try to get a good nights rest.....sleep tight
Up several times in the night but today has been okay. Mic has been much more perky this afternoon. After breakfast he slept most of the morning. Thanks for asking Dee.
Glad you've had a better day. Don't know how you (and others in a similar situation ) cope to be honest, x
Sher, sometimes neither do I. What else can you do. Put him in a home and forget about him and get on with my life. Holidays, days out, the hairdresser. I don't think so I could NEVER put him in a home.
I'm sorry if I've offended in some way, we're not out of the woods here yet. A year today himself's head went bang and the aneurysm is refilling, uncertain future and five kids to factor in to the equation. Please try to factor in some time for your self, it must be so hard/draining/relentless. x

Jeza - you have the support of all of us on here, you know that
Sher there is no way you have offended me. Why would you think that. Keep a close eye on himself and make him go for his treatment. ♥
Thanks Excel and good luck with your job search.
So glad you have good days Jeza. Every minute is precious and to be treasured. Keep strong for Mic x

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