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I'm Not Prone To Going Damp Eyed ...

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sunny-dave | 17:27 Wed 16th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
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Oh I read that earlier, lovely up-lifting story isn't it?
dave - you're just a big softie.

(ps I agree with you.)
Ohhhhh, that has given me goose bumps. Very touching.
That is beautiful, the kindness of strangers is often the most moving.
Such a beautiful glad he has these lovely photos......♥
How sad he lost his daughter, but how wonderful people are.
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Indeed B00 - uplifting and very cheering about the kindness of strangers.
do not open this post if you feel a bit fragile, beautiful baby.
That was so kind of those people, and the baby looked natural on the photos. Got a bit teary there.
The kindness of strangers...very uplifting.
how lucky I feel that my 3 grandchildren are fit & healthy.very sad
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