////Better have a word with Hamas then and ask them to stop training and using children as suicide bombers.////
How many Israelies have been killed this way so far? And same question goes to the people who talk about rockets being fired. How many people have been killed by these rockets? And then if you have only few cells left in the memory department of your brain, answer one more question. Israel has so far killed over 600 people as a revenge of 3 teenagers being killed. Where no one knows who killed those 3 teenagers. Can you tell me what is the ratio between 3 and 600 (so far)?
Hamas's rocket only kills you if it lands in the middle of your head. Whereas Israel has been given the most sophisticated weapons by USA and they do use it. But don't worry time is not far now when Israel's power will be tested against someone who would slap them as hard as they do. They are so used to beating up the ones who can't even put their hands up to defend themselves.
And finally here is what that land used to be and what it is now. Can you see who has killed more?
Having said that, I will not keep on arguing with the people who can’t even see with eyes what is in front of them.