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kloofnek | 13:16 Thu 24th Jul 2014 | Travel
25 Answers
Hi Tilly2
You have told me on my post for Titan Holidays that you have been with them a few times.
I booked last Friday and they told me that the documents necessary will be sent by mail...she said they do not email at all...I found this very unusual as every other travel company etc.have ALWAYS emails
everything to me(so much quicker and safer),
So what happened when you booked yours,if you don`t mind my asking.
I am not a happy bunny!!



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Thank you..I was considering the complimentary domestic flight from Manchester to Gatwick...but we all think it will be simplier for him to go via the coach (door to door).he is getting to the age where he gets a little forgetful.Our eldest daughter in Spain said when I Skyped her last Sunday that we will have to glue everything to him,..glasses .wallet etc.!!!The times he has left his glasses on the plane,oh gosh..numerous incidents.Lets see what happens when he goes to hers in August(he will be alone)...something will be lost for sure.I say to him"keep your mind on what you are doing right now NOT on next week".Old age!!!
When is he going on the Titan holiday, kloof?
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MAY 2015.The Way of St James
Sounds like a cultural holiday. The courier will help him and get him out of any scrapes he might get into. There are always single people on Titan hols.
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Thank you Tilly...have a nice evening

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