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ToraToraTora | 11:48 Wed 30th Jul 2014 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers
Why does nearly everyone turn into an extra from "Zombies Dawn of the dead" when they enter a supermarket? It's as if they have pumped a sedative into the air!


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with you on this 3t. I'm astounded at them all. ;D
Not in Aldi they don't - get in, get shopped, get out.

Any stragglers are likely to have a barcode stuck on them & then be sold as a weekly special ...
its the smell of the newly baked bread :)
to many distractions around the entrance and that's after you have avoided the chugger and the RAC/AA/SKY man touting for business
Yes I agree Tora, which is why I do all my shopping online. {at Sainsburys}
I often encounter one of the original Stepford Wives in the supermarket, she is still in character :-(
I don't - list, in, seize, pay, out.
It's the music, the fragrances, the changed layouts. You are supposed to take you time and buy one of everything, especially the higher priced multi-packs and 'interesting' end of aisle stuff. It's the whole aim.

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