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Where Are They Staying?

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lynbrown | 23:00 Wed 30th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Are Kate, William and Harry flying up and down to London each day, or are they staying somewhere in Glasgow?


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don't know, don't really care. but I would hope they are commuting to spend some time with their baby.
Maybe they're staying at Holyrood Palace, that's only an hour away.......
And I'd expect them to have baby and nanny nearby, too.
They'll be on their way to Balmoral for a traditional Royal summer break (shooting season) and will head down to Sandringham in Norfolk after that.
staying at Balmoral for the haggis shooting then down to Sandringham for the p(h)easant shooting.
The 'shooting season' doesn't start until August 12th (grouse) and the pheasant season opens on the 1st October.
It is possible to shoot deer of one species or another all year.

There is no close season on peasants......

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